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May 14, 2003
I'm trying to get a handle on the expenses related to flying. Specifically, I'm down to three alternatives. 1) to buy a low time Cessna 150 w/ IFR, 2) to buy someone else's homebuilt say a Steen Skybolt, or 3) buy a quickbuild kit like the Titan Mustang and build myself.

Some assumptions, a) if I buy a ready made (~30k), I'd get a more expensive hanger home or a cheaper home plus hanger. b) If I build I'd get the cheaper home after completion then get hanger home. c) A ready made plane (Lyc or Cont) overhauls cost ~13k, but Rotax cost much less to maintain. Therefore, the ready made is cheaper in, but more reocurring and the homebuilt is just the opposite.

How much do you normally have to spend monthly on a 20 year old plane? Is it like '68 Camaro, always needing something?

What are the reoccurring cost of a homebuilt w/ a 100 hp Rotax?

...just trying to find the best way to fly and keep flying!

Any help will be appreciated.