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Automotive engine weight database

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Chris Matheny

Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Nov 26, 2019
St. Paris OH
I got the opportunity to weigh another engine today and thought it may be helpful to create a database for weights people have gotten themselves, not heard from a friend of a friend. Here's the ones I've weights so far.

GM LE2 1.4 from 2018 Chevy Cruze 155hp
185lbs with water pump, starter and turbo, flex plate.

GM LH7 Diesel from 2018 Equinox 137hp
288lbs with injection pump, flex plate, injectors, wiring harness, intake manifold EGR system. No turbo or manifold.
240lbs stripped with injection system still installed.

BMW M73 V12 1995 non Vanos. 322HP
Longblock bare with distributors, plugs, wires, water pump, thermostat housing, cooling tubes front to rear, balancer and engine driven clutch fan 378.64#

GM LY7 3.6 255hp V6 2006 Cadillac STS
379lbs with manifolds, water pump, intake manifold, flex plate, coils, balancer.

Feel free to add weights of anything you have personally weighed and what all was included in that weight.