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A Detailed Look at PSRU Design Methodology

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Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2022
Southwest Washington
Over the course of recent years, and over the course of having designed several engines and gearboxes for various applications (PSRU, helicopter, NASCAR, INDYCAR, industrial, etc) , several clients and a number of friends have asked me to make available my thoughts on "How to Design a PSRU".

I am getting on in years (one of my friends is continually reminding me of that), and since I am no longer making / selling hardware, I figured now would be a good time to publish some details on torsional vibration, gear design, shaft design, housing design, etc. etc.......

SO, without further ado.........

{ And you don't need to be concerned if your AV software screams "NOT SECURE"...........I have not yet converted the 150-or-so pages on my site to HTTPS, but there is no solicitation of information anywhere on the site. }