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4130 and small TIG recommendation

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Jan 27, 2012
Glendale, CA
Hello All,

In the new year I plan to start welding up a fuselage for the Skylite and it is all very thin wall 4130 (.375" dia to .0625" dia and .035 to .058 walls) and will need to buy a small TIG welder. I was hoping to take some lessons but my local Welding Fab school closed down due to C19 and never opened back up. So I will likely do lots of practice via Youtube and help from a few other welders at my airport. My A&P is a fantastic welder so he will be a good resource.

Anyhow I am leaning toward a Primeweld 225x since it seems to be a well regarded machine that is affordable and does not have the low duty cycle of the Harbor Freight units.

However through my research I have found the Yeswelder as well and it can weld as low as 5 amps for very thin material. The primewled is 20amps at its minimum. When welding thin wall 4130 would I ever be below 20amps and woudl this added feature of the yeswelder be worth it. Yeswelder is only 220V but I have that in my hangar so would likely run the primewled on 220V as well.

Id like to find an AC/DC unit so aluminum can be welded in the future. Some of the Yes welders are DC only, but they have one around the same price as the primeweld 225x.

Yes welder:
Open to any advice or suggestions.