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360 surround top view camera?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2020
I don't mean Insta 360 and the likes. I mean that stitched video feed that modern cars have that give you a top down view of your vehicle. Technically it's just a video mixer that usually takes in 4 video signals and processes a new one stitched together. And since most planes don't reverse 3 cams would do. The system to do this is quite low cost like this one.

Anyone tried this?

Advantages i see: Seeing early if your wings gets close to obstacles. We got a lot of stray dogs on the field and would be nice to see where those dudes are relatively to my plane. Already plan a forward cam with feed onto G3x. So this would be just two more cams, some leads and a small mixer box somewhere. Think they have a button to select only forward view etc.