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22 hp V Twin Predator engine ultralight Aircraft (IDEA/project) ICON A5 REPLICA

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Dec 7, 2015
Monett, Mo United States
Hey guys, new to the forum here. So I've been planning on building my own ultralight for quite some time now. And although I wouldn't mind just buying a used one, I really just want to design one myself. I would like to post my idea for what I'm doing here and see if I can get some useful feedback on the project, and hopefully this information can help others with similar experience as well.

So the idea I have, Is to in a way, replicate the shape and style of a plane called the icon A5 while at least attempting to keep it around 300-375 lbs. Most elements from the plane I would be leaving behind, such as the option of being amphibious, most of the electronic systems, the folding wings, and of course the luxurious style. Basically, I would like to build an extremely simple ultralight that has the shape of the icon a5.

The motor I would like to use is a new 22 hp (670 cc) V Twin Predator engine. It is 125 lbs. I may end up using two of them rear facing, just behind the wings or just one of them just behind the cockpit and center of the wing just like the Icon A5. A question I have about this is: Can I order a propeller online that will fit this motor? If so, are there specific fittings that need to be in place or will that come with the propeller? Also, is the engine simply too heavy for use in aircraft? I mean... Dual motors would be 250 lbs. dry, BUT that would also mean 44 hp and I plan on building extremely light, so I'm not sure how that would balance out.

The frame would be mostly wood, with the exception of things like landing gear, and control arms, etc.

I would like to keep the 2 seat configuration, but move the passenger seat behind the pilots seat. The only reason I would want to do this is so that instead of the cockpit being over 4' wide, it would be 3' or less and therefore be a little more efficient, and might actually better allow for it to work as a two seater. (Less likely to work with less aerodynamic properties). I just want to eventually be able to do cross country trips with my wife.

I plan on building the cockpit enclosed using a material similar to a heavy duty tarp that you can buy from a place like Harbor Freight. Then for windows, also use a non-rigid clear plastic material. I also thought it would be a good idea to cover the enclosure materials with some sort of clear vinyl paint that will harden and seal the material, as well as making it less rough and more aerodynamic. (On the other hand, this would make it slightly heavier).

So the specs on the icon a5 are as follows:

Interior Cockpit Width: 46 in (116.8 cm)Wingspan: 34.8 ft (10.61 m)
Aircraft Length: 23 ft (7.01 m)
Aircraft Height: 8.1 ft (2.47 m)
wing chord: 4 ft

The specs on my aircraft would be estimated at:

Interior Cockpit Width: 3 ft
Wingspan: 32 ft
Aircraft Length: 21 ft
Aircraft Height: 8 ft (With landing gear)
wing chord: 4 ft (Would be a non tapered fixed wing)

The plane would have a tricycle landing gear style, and would be non-retractible. Another question about the propeller: Is a small aircrafts propeller length entirely based on horsepower? With this motor, the maximum speed is 4000 rpm's. I feel that is too low and that the best setup would be two of these engines. If I could I would put the two motors in line with each other so that if one failed, the main propulsion would still be in the center, but I'm just not sure if that is possible or if the flow of air would be disrupted between the two.

If you have ANY advice for me, please don't hesitate to tell me your thoughts. For me, this is likely a long term project and will involve a lot of time learning and optimizing after building. I plan to be extremely safe, but I am a dreamer and I have high ambition for things like this. Thanks for reading my thread, feel free to leave input!!