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V-173 / XF5U - Flying Flapjack

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Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2021
Another concept that interested me was the Vought V-173 / XF5U Flying Flapjack

My understanding is that this VSTOL aircraft concept was also capable of very high speed, and I was curious as to whether it could be built in a more updated form as an ultralight.

The original aircraft had some complicated gearing with a common shaft linking its 2 propellers. Each of those wooden propellers was so large that their blades were hinged to allow some flapping.

I was thinking that the prop blades might not have to be so large, and could also be thinner, and made of composites capable of more flexion than wooden props.
This might avoid the need for the blade-flap hinges, and could allow fixed-pitch propellers.

I was also thinking that appropriate control electronics would avoid the need for the gearing with the shaft linking the 2 props.
So you could have 2 small gasoline-powered engines, or possibly just go with 2 electric motors and have a gasoline-powered generator to extend range.

But this idea of a larger wing-body for VSTOL seems quite interesting.

Any comments or feedback?
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