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Stits Playboy SA3A

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Aug 28, 2022
Springfield, MO
This is mostly a repost from my "New member" post, but I'm hoping to get a conversation started here as I have a few questions that hopefully someone can help answer.

I have a Stits Playboy that was finished in 1966. Continental 85-12. The plane was in flying condition two years ago when it was disassembled for transport and moved from Florida to Texas. The new owners were only interested in harvesting the engine out of it, then at some point decided against it. Since it was meant to be a donor it maybe wasn't treated quite as gently or with attention to detail as it should have been. I am in the process of putting it back together. This will not be a monumental task but there are still a few complicating issues.

It would be of great benefit to me if anyone out there has a set of Playboy plans, or could steer me in a direction to try to find them elsewhere. A few things that are not obvious to me now would be cleared up greatly by being able to look at how it's supposed to be.

There are a few things that I know a lot about and there are a few things that I know so little about that I don't even know how to ask a proper question. Hopefully no one will raise an eyebrow if I come up with something achingly stupid.

I specifically have a question about the bolts that hold the wings on that I hope doesn't have people slapping their foreheads in consternation.