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Saberwing Updates from Azalea Aviation

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Bill Clapp

Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2015
Valdosta Ga
It has been a very busy year with much happening in Azalea Aviation world. Between the shows, flying, building planes, builder support and such...it is tough to get time to make website updates and let all you good folk know what is going on. To date... Five Saberwing aircraft have been signed off and four are currently flying. A couple are in the test phase. Our new Tricycle Gear version (LSA Prototype as well) is up and flying and we are learning more about nose gears than I would like.... The first Prototype with the 120 Turbo has exceeded 500 hours of flight time. Lately I have been able to fly that bird as much as I would like. We are currently building the Motorglider and XF versions of the Saberwing and hope to finish this year. The twin is coming under way in R&D and test fitting slowly. We do plan on being at Sun n Fun this year at booth N57-58. There should be a Saberwing at the booth and one or two on the flight line as well. Our builder Assist Center had alread had a could builders start building but we do have room for more! Check out our Facebook and Website for updates. Facebook will allow you to see more pictures and daily goings on. Don't Forget that the SPYDER ENGINE WORKSHOP is being held this March 12-14....only $100 to attend and learn a lot about our Corvair conversions. Cheers!