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Rotax 503 gear replacement

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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2022

For my motorglider I acquired a 58x36 2 bladed propeller. According to calculations I was given with it it should produce about 756N (roughly 165lbs of thrust).

The engine will easily overrew if not monitored even on the ground.

I was looking into official recommended prop sizes for my particular engine (dual carb 503 2
.58 ratio) and it seems too small, also highly pitched.

I was expecting to get 200-220lbs of thrust out of dual carb rotax and the sole reason we got this propeller because our motorglider has very low clearance.

So I am interested in replacing the Gears with 2.23 ratio, is it feasible for one to do it himself and do you folks regularly do it?
We are mainly interested in short take off and climb performance.