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Parts For Sale Rotax 277 With Gearbox, Appears to be Low Time $750

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Victor Bravo

Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Jul 30, 2014
KWHP, Los Angeles CA, USA
This is something I personally own and is currently sitting in my hangar.

I have never run it or flown behind it. It has been in dry storage for years. I don't know which Rotax gearbox is on it, whether it's a "B box", "C Box" or XYZ Box. But it has a gearbox and prop flange.

Yes, simmer down, I know, I'm going to go out and take a picture of it today so you can identify which gearbox is on it.

I do know that someone else can use this, and needs it more than I do.

$750 cash, located Zip Code 91331. One of my fellow EAA chapter members (and an occasional HBA participant) will likely make a small shipping box and ship it to you at a reasonable cost, as a separate transaction.