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Renter insurance

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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2010
Surrey, UK
Hi Guys,

(Have I found the right section to post this? Feel free to move it if not)

For those that don't know me, I am a Brit with an FAA Pilot Certificate. With the cost of flying so expensive in the UK, most of my flying is done on my annual trip to Florida.

This year I was asked to prove that I had Renter's Insurance It is the first time in 30 years that I have been asked, and I don't have any. Some frantic searching revealed that you can only get an annual policy and the cost is sufficiently high that it was actually much cheaper to pay an instructor to sit next to me all week.

Does anyone know if,
a) Renter's Insurance is a normal requirement and I should always have had it, and
b) Is it possible to get Insurance for a (much) shorter period?

Any advice much appreciated...

