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Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2007
Dallas Texas
My good friend Jim and I have decided to build three Legal Eagle XL's. I'm hoping this might cure my mental problem I've developed after spending fifteen years on my current Biplane project. We're building these at Jim's house. I'll continue working on my Biplane at my house.

Jim did a great job building the wing rib jig. He also built a press that puts a nice permanent curve in the upper rib cap strip.
He has all the ribs made for the first wing and we just took delivery of sixteen twenty foot sticks of 5/8"x.035 tubing.
We have a little more prep work to do to on Jim's shop. We're setting up both a reusable fuselage jig and a separate table for the wings.
We also have a welding area where I'll be welding the first fuselage while Jim fits up the second and third.

Last September we drove from Dallas to Illinois and picked up a pickup bed full of VW engine parts for free from a guy we met at Oshkosh last year. It was a fun little trip.


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