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Hornet material refusal......

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Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2015
So,I wanted to buy materials for the Hornet locally and we have a metal supplier in Louisville named Alro Steel.
I placed an order with them Monday for a 24' stick of 2 x 2 x.125 6061 T6 tubing and was very specific with the salesperson that the material needed to be free of dents,dings,scratches and gouges.
I was assured that their material would meet my standards.
Well,I stopped in to pick up the 24' stick of tubing today and was pretty disappointed with the quality of the material they had pulled for my order.
They went back and pulled another stick which was just as bad as the first stick.
I looked through their stack of about 30 sticks and couldn't find a single stick that was acceptable to me.
I went into the office and spoke face to face with the salesperson that took my order over the phone Monday and showed him pics of the defects in the material.
He wasn't happy and said he would have a meeting with the warehouse staff to find out why the material was in that condition.
I had him cancel my order and will call ACS for the tubing.

So.....my question is this :
Am I just too picky on material or would you guys have rejected it also ?
Remember,I'm building an entire Hornet gyro airframe.....keel,tail boom,upper & lower mast,etc.
The tubes were wrapped with plastic but you should still be able to see in the pics my hesitation on accepting the material.....edge dings,gouges,scratches,etc.





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