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Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2013
Mount Vernon, WA
Well, after much fussing around and failing to get 4SP to run as well as it did before, I bit the bullet and bought a brand new GP specific carb for my GP 1835 engine. I always thought it was just an off-the-shelf Zenith. But, after 2 attempts to rebuild the old carb with an off-the-shelf kit, I still cannot get the idle circuitry correct. Perhaps there's some fouling in an internal passage I haven't been able to clear, or maybe I just screwed something up. But, it just not right and I've ruled everything else out and had my work checked by other experienced homebuilders. they've all said something is wrong with the carb.

I bought online. Payment went through and I got an automated order confirmation/invoice from GP. So, we'll see how it goes. Wish me luck.