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First vacuum bagging attempt question

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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
May 26, 2017
Merrill, Wisconsin, USA
First attempt = first result, and first question.

Overall, I think this was a success story and I will use final part because it's really nonstructural and no risk really. However, I would like to understand the phenomenon that occurred in the process. I will include some pictures.

Seems like vacuum was able to suck all liquid resin out of fabric and bleed through perforated film. I believe first layer of primer will take care of all small pinhole's. But I was expecting to see perfectly shiny surface. Just like I was getting perfectly shiny surface when I build my molds without using the vacuum at all.

Nobody seems to be able to explain this to me. Or I am not smart enough to understand what they're trying to explain. I used slow curing hardner. Left vacuum for about seven hours. Used three layers of 8 ounce fabric. Hopefully you can see results on the pictures.
