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Falconar Designs (F-12, F-11A, F-11E, etc): Building, owning, and flying experiences

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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Jan 24, 2011
Pops has recently chimed in that he really enjoyed flying his F-12, but there's just not much out there on these Falconar designs--not active builder community online, etc. They are based on the well-known Jodel series of aircraft, but have enough differences that I suspect they build and handle in the air a bit differently. I'm particularly interested in the F-11A, F-11E, and the F-12A. (Photos and specs below from the Falconar official site)


F-11A (65 - 100HP)
[FONT=&amp]Vne; 185 mph
Cruise Speed 130 mph
Range 546 mi
Stall 41 mph
Takeoff Distance 250 ft
Landing Distance 300 ft
Gross Weight 1300 lbs
Wing Span 27.25 ft
Wing Area 138 sq ft[/FONT]

F-11E (50-100 HP)
[FONT=&amp]Vne (Never exceed Speed) 140 mph
Cruise Speed 120 mph
Range 546 mi
Stall 35 mph
Takeoff Distance 250 ft
Landing Distance 300 ft
Gross Weight 1100 lbs
Wing Span 27.25 ft
Wing Area 138 sq ft[/FONT]


F-12A (125 - 200 HP)
[FONT=&amp]Vne (Never exceed Speed) 185 mph
Cruise Speed 150 mph
Range 690 mi
Stall 51 mph
Takeoff Distance 450 ft
Landing Distance 500 ft
Gross Weight 1800 lbs
Wing Span 28 ft
Wing Area 140 sq ft[/FONT]

Among the questions I've got:

- Are the ribs of built-up construction ("a thousand sticks and gussets") or cut from plywood?
- What are the typical empty weights? The max gross weights are easy to find, but without knowing the empty weight it's hard to know how much can be carried, expected range, etc.
- Are the planes stressed for acrobatics (at reduced weights)? They certainly aren't purpose-built for them, but the F-11A looks like it might not object to a roll or an Immelmann.
- How do the aircraft handle? They look to be highly stable in roll, which is exactly what we want in a cruiser, but not so desirable in a "fling it about the sky" plane. More like a Cessna or a Grumman AA-1? Are the controls well harmonized, or are pitch and roll pressures very different? etc
- The recommended HIPEC covering system for the fabric: Hard to apply? Did it hold up well?
- Anything you found especially good/bad about the construction, owning, or flying of the airplanes? I've read that the spar construction of the Jodels is a very labor intensive process.

Pops, others: Your opinions are solicited!

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