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Corviar College 24

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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2010
Shady Cove, OR
For any one contemplating putting their own engine together, I heartily reccommend attending the Corvair College. One gets a boost in the enthusiam and a healthy education in the do's and don't's of Corvair engine lore.

This last weekend CC24 concluded with three extremely smooth running engines and at least three project starts.

All questions, no matter how "dumb", were answered in a friendly way and the food and drink were well supplied, thanks to Rachel Weseman.
Due to t-storms the whole weekend, only one Corvair flyer came in and made a couple flights.

Its a great place to meet KR, Zenith, Peitenpol and Vision people. Some are designing their own. But all are mastering the assembly, systems and operation of their own engines. This makes for a better informed and safer pilot. And the confidence and enthusiasm of finishing.

I went there to finallize the design of my (now) 3 liter Corvair, and came away with all questions answered except what color to paint the case!

For anyone on the fence of decision making on whether or not to use the Corvair engine, I reccomend the education of William Wynne's websites, manual and DVD's. Your goal of an extremely smooth running NEW engine for a reasonble cost is within reach.

--edit: oops, meant to say Corvair College 23, no time machine involved.
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