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Corvair Converison Questions

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Active Member
May 13, 2011
I have some questions about a Corvair conversion and I am really hoping to gain some insight as to whether this is the right engine for me.
Yes, I have been to the FlyCorvair Website, I have been all over you tube and seen a few blogs on the subject. I have not spent any money buying books or DVD though.

I think it is also note worthy to point out that my proposed plane is a A Ch750 or Kitfox SS7, and my reason why I would choose Corvair Power would be financial . I do not own a machine shop or have specialized tools, and I am not an Areonautical Engineer. -But this does not mean I wouldnt like to persue this project if it is feasible.


1.IS THIS ENGINE SAFE? -when I hear breaking cranks I get scared and quickly. Also when I mean "safe" I mean would you put your 5 year old in the plane with you and fly over a mountain range ( or larger body of water for that matter) and trust their lives on Corvair Power? -this question assumes you build it the WW way and follow steps with scrupulous detail.

2.IS THIS ENGINE WORTH IT? -going off of WW site, I can easily add up $7,000+ dollars worth of goodies needed, and oh by the way you will need a corvair engine, treat the crank, machine the heads,and buy a rebuild kit for it. Your next cheapest venture would be a Viking Engine.

In closing I would like to say that on other forums a Corvair (and auto conversions in general ) is not held in high regard although no one seems to be able to prove thier point with exception to the crank breakage.

thank you for your time and insights!