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Any early (1932-53) Ford V-8 successes?

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May 22, 2013
Near Houston, TX US
Does anyone know if the early Ford flathead V-8 engine has been successfully converted for aviation? Ford engine aficionado Bernie Pietenpol installed one in the early 1930s but was disappointed in its performance. Reportedly, it was only a marginal improvement (the extra horsepower came with too much extra weight) over the 1928-31 Ford 4 banger that he typically used. I would think that 80 years of experimenting since then, someone has either figured out how to make it work, or proven that the engine will just never be a good flyer. I think the looks of one in the nose of a Piet would look very "vintage" but I'm not interested in trying to do so if no such installations have ever been successful. Your comments are solicited (but be gentle! :) ) Harvey