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3rd class medicals

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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Apr 10, 2007
Granbury, Texas
As long as we're in the RULES AND REGULATIONS section, let me tell you a short story about a friend of mine who jousted with the FAA over 3rd class medical regulations. He was both an avid sailplane and power pilot who found his happy medium in motorgliders.

His contention was that the 3rd class medical should not be required for private power pilots. Keep in mind, this was maybe 25-30 years ago... long before the new sport pilot license rules were written. He argued that glider pilots have flown safely without FAA medical exams for many years. He further argued that his research of accident statistics for gliders showed that relatively few of the accidents resulted from pilot incapacitation (due to medical reasons), and that ALL of the glider pilot who became medically incapacitated were also power pilots in possession of 3rd class medical certificates. This led to his conclusion that not only should the FAA drop the private pilot requirement for a 3rd class medical, but they should also make it illegal for a pilot to fly with a 3rd class medical!

Now my friend really enjoyed tilting at windmills. To help promote his point, over a period of several years, he vocally advertised to the FAA that he was flying without a medical. Alas, though, they ignored his trespasses, saying that his plane was similar to a motorglider and did not require a medical. He was finally forced to resort to (in his words) "violation by appointment"; he rented a Cessna 150, called the local GADO office to announce his intentions, and then flew to that GADO office to taxi past the office chief's window. Finally, they could no longer ignore hime completely and he got his much desired day in court.

The rest of the story is a little fuzzy in my mind, so don't quote me on any of this. Ultimately, the court's only action was to give him a slap on the wrist and make an allowance for him (only) to fly without a medical.

Of course, we now have the Light Sport license which does not require a 3rd class medical, so my friend's goal was finally attained to a limited degree.
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