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What Did You Do To Save General Aviation Today?

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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Jan 19, 2010
Mojave, Ca
... And NO - complaining about the demise of GA on the internet does NOT count!

There are plenty of build threads, so dont need to go there; there are plenty of "revolutionary new design" threads, so dont need to go there. And finally, there are plenty of threads that incorporate the "failure" of GA and all the associated causal factors, so please dont go there.

In short, this is a daily "project log" of those who have put down the poison pens, the form letters to Congress, and the flights of fancy in excange for - dare I say it - actual PARTICIPATION in the so called dying endeavor of GA. This is an opportunity to take personal action to "save" GA. Examples include a Young Eagles flight, a $100 hamburger run, a weekend out of town, a BFR or new rating... In other words, tangible excercise of the GA infrastructure... Causing a "blip" in some FAA metric... Or more succinctly: An opportunity to take public credit for saving GA.

Sadly, my own report is more than a week old. Last weekend saw me buy avgas, load up the wife in the RV, excercise Flight Following to a destination upstate where I "redistributed wealth" at a resort for a nice evening, then returned the following day. Later that evening, I did a .5 in the T-craft with some local flying and pattern work.

How about you people? Ready to accept personal responsibility for reversing the trend? Lets hear about your progress.