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Useful tips for using this site

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Site Developer
Oct 22, 2002
Pacific NW, USA!
I just thought I would pass along some of the features that can make using this site easier and less time consuming. Any comments or additions would be much appreciated.

1. Email notification:

In your options area, which can be found in your user control panel, you will see an option labeled “Use email notification by default?”. This option can be very useful. This will allow you to receive an email immediately when someone responds to a post that you have created, or a thread that you have posted to. The main benefit is that by being immediately notified of new posts you will be in a better position to keep the discussion from languishing over a period of weeks as each of the participants has to wait for the other to check back periodically for new posts. When you are waiting for an answer to something important, having to check back often to see if someone has responded can be very frustrating. I would recommend this feature for everyone.

2. Viewing new Posts:

When you are logged in, there is a link in the user control box near the top of the main page called “View New Posts”. This link will show all threads that have new postings since your last visit. This is handy because it will save you time searching through the forum looking for new information. With this feature you can see all of the new content at a glance. After 30 minutes of inactivity, all of the new posts will be cleared. If you want the new posts to be cleared immediately then you can click the “Mark all Forums Read” link.

3. Subscribing to a discussion area or a thread:

This is an extremely handy tool to use. This feature allows you to subscribe to a discussion area or a particular thread so that each time someone posts to it, you will receive an email alerting you. For instance, if you are interested in Mazda rotary engines, sheet metal construction, and avionics; simply subscribe to those discussion areas and you will be updated as new information is added. To subscribe to a discussion area, go into that area and click the “subscribe to this forum” link under the “new thread” button. You can also do this if you are interested in a particular thread. If there is a discussion going on about whether or not prop wash comes in a bottle or a can, and you want to follow it; subscribe to it and you will be notified each time a new post is added to it. To subscribe to a particular thread, go into that thread and click the “subscribe to this thread” link at the bottom of the page.

4. Printing a discussion:

To make a thread printer friendly, go into the thread and click the “Show printable version” link at the bottom of the page. Then print that page. It will save you big money on printer cartridges.

Please post any questions about using this site, no matter how basic, to the “Technical Problems” or “Feedback and Suggestions” discussion area. For every person that asks, there may be 10 others that could use the info, so don't be shy.

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