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Ultimate SI for u/l, EAB

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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2015
Martensville SK
Oh boy, am I WAY out of my comfort zone on this topic. BUT: not something I would ever take on - wrong fuel for me, too old to start from scratch - but IMHO....and emphasis on my OPINION (for what that's worth) we are missing an ultra simple, ultra light, reasonably cheap engine the could cover the hot spots in power for UL, LSA and EAB.

First question is that power assumption. I am thinking one "module" 50HP, 2x modules 100HP for LSA and 3 modules giving 150 for EAB. Safe to assume?

My second consideration is the technology that works "best". I have lived with a whole lot of 503 Rotax engines and like 50HP for a lot of reasons, but no formula there to easily make 2x and 3x from a basic core design. I REALLY like what Dmotor has done, but IMHO (there's that qualification again) the 90HP and 125HP sizes just miss the mark. Worse yet, the water cooling stuff means there is simply no way it will work well for the UL level.

So, what I am suggesting is what would be very nice is a direct drive (cost, weight, complexity) side valve, AIR COOLED 50 HP twin, 100HP 4 and 150HP 6 cylinder that all share one very simple aluminum bore (nickies) cylinder. And stoke, LOTS of it with relatively long rods to keep RPM under 3k.