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Sharing My 3D Printed Grip With PTT Switch Design

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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2020
My main objective was to design a simple ergonomic grip that is suitable for 3D printing and is designed around a high quality PTT switch (1). The switch is friction locked and should be able to be pulled out with moderate force. Seems to make most sense to me. In a second iteration i also want to include a trim switch but that adds quite a bit of complexity shape wise in the 3D printing design space so will do that later. Probably have to divide the design in two halves for that. This is more of a minimum viable product.

Secondary objective was to teach myself Solidworks surfacing. I've so far avoided the surfacing section but this has really helped me get past that. I've tried to make the grip as customizable as possible, you can change pretty much any parameter down to the curvature and the size of the finger recesses, overall thickness in two dimensions, height, etc if you open it in Solidworks. If anyone want to port this into other CAD programs feel free to do so. I publish this under the WTFPL License, the "Do whatever the F you want public license".

Uploading all files, SW, 3MF, STL. The 3D printing files are rendered with a 27mm mount,

What do you think? Is that something you would use? I'm open to suggestions and improvements.

1) P1 Momentary Switches | Aircraft Spruce (using the pressfit version)



  • grip 1.0.zip
    635.7 KB · Views: 28