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QUESTIONS concerning Spyder Corvair Engine Conversions.....Azalea Aviation

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Bill Clapp

Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2015
Valdosta Ga
I am opening this thread as a Question and Answer area for anybody that has questions about our conversions. I have many made to me but they do tend to spread out all over the place. This area is to be only about the ENGINE itself. There are no stupid questions allowed....just honest learning. We will do our best to have quick and simple replies. No bloviaiting allowed! I suggest that you look at the information on our website azaleaaviation.com in the products/engine area for information as well. If you have an idea that you would like to see incorporated or discussed we may open a seperate thread about that particular idea. I will eventually take these questions and compile them into a web page... Have at it!