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PL-4, MacDonald S-2X, RV4, DA-2b/b scratch builds?

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David L. Downey

Curmudgeon under refinement
Supporting Member
Aug 7, 2019
Harleysville, PA
I would appreciate input from the esteemed critics here on the following discussion:
From Effort vs reward perspective, which of the 4 aircraft listed above, if built to VW power with redrive, climb prop, single seat configuration, will take the most focus, tooling, and time to build contrasted with the versatility and pleasure from flying it?
Also, if anyone has an alternate, similar construction well proven and documented design, please suggest it. At my age, any of these listed might not be tenable completions but then might be! I am retired with pretty much any tools needed other than a long span brake and shear.
Thank you