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Mistral G200 Rotary Engine ECU question

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May 18, 2023
I have the 200hp Mistral G200 rotary engine in my Aircraft. It’s a beautiful piece of Engineering and probably based on the Mazda RX7/8 it is supported by 2 ECU’s . The engine is very high tech with very few hours and runs beautifully my only problem is that I have a maintenance call flashing disturbingly on my Electronic Flight Instrument System (EFIS) this makes my passengers very nervous 😬 Obviously I keep the engine maintained according to standards but nobody is able to cad0eac2-321a-4582-a3e6-2f9e6cbf2eb0.jpegerase the flashing maintenance issue or other fault codes. Previously a USB stick was inserted into the EFIS and sent in to Mistral every 50 hours. They checked and erased everything and sent it back whereby it was stuck back in and voila! Everything was good.. now as Mistral has gone bust and disappeared there is no solution:-( as this is an aircraft there is no OBD plug :)
Very thankful if there is any genius here that could point me in the right direction! I was thinking that maybe a ECU reader writer that can read from a usb stick could maybe work??
Any input from you is deeply appreciated and if it helps me solve my problem a reward would certainly be in place:)