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LS376-525 V8 Powered Mustang Data

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Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2012
Republic of Texas
Here are some performance numbers for you all to crunch. This data was gleaned during the 720 mile ferry flight to the paint shop.

First let me point out that the atmosphere was extremely turbulent on this day. You had to climb over 10,000 MSL to get a good ride. But the higher you went, the stronger the headwinds. So my pilot elected to stay at 4500 MSL, where the headwind component was only 30+ knots.

Due to the rough air, Chip flew slow. He got the crap beat out of him. Said it was a terrible flight! His plan was to make a speed run on the last leg, but due to the turbulence he was not able to do that.

Here are the numbers:

3500 RPM - 23" at 4500' = 159 KIAS / 170 KTAS / 195 MPH TAS
This is about 53% power for the V8.
Fuel burn was 9.6 GPH.

4500 RPM - 24" = 14.5 GPH (climb power)
4100 RPM - 24" = 13 GPH
3900 RPM - 21" = 9 GPH
3700 RPM - 22" = 9 GPH
3500 RPM - 23" = 9 GPH
3500 RPM - 22" = 8 GPH
3500 RPM - 19" = 5 GPH

Our best altitude for all out performance will be 7500-8500. We are confident that 190-200 knots is within reach at 4200 RPM and WOT. For most efficient long range cruise, 12000-14000 MSL will be the best.

The above data was downloaded off the SD card from my G3X Touch.