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Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2003
Jupiter, Florida
Recently, the subject came up in another area here of imparting wisdom to other folks. I was gently chided to share some of my knowledge and abilities with other builders, hopefully to inspire them, encourage them, help them to learn that building an airplane is NOT an impossible task.

So, most of my knowledge deals with rag and tube airplanes - my Duce is rapidly getting ready for first flight. Still need to finish the wing struts and put the cowling on, and a few (!!!) other minor chores.

I am putting an offer on the table - I will attempt to answer questions about building techniques regarding rag and tube airplanes, and general construction techniques. I will caution everyone - the methods and materials I use are my own, acquired through learning on the job. I am not an A&P, engineer, whatever - just a guy who enjoys doing the best job I can on whatever comes to hand.

I see no problem in making a part as many times as it takes to get it right, even if you have to waste time and materials. I also pick the brains of other people - why re-invent the wheel?

There are many others like me out here - post your questions, problems, solutions someplace in homebuiltairplanes.com, and you WILL get an answer!
