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Honda J35 vs Subaru EG33

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Well-Known Member
May 28, 2020
Canton - MI
Thinking in an engine 220-240hp I'm considering these 2 options.
It seems that the Honda has less weight, but it has a VTEC system that I wouldn't know what to do with it in a conversion if I decided to use a non-original injection system. Subaru already has older technology and long-term experience here on the forum, but it seems more difficult to find and has less reliability than the Honda.
The V6 seems to have a slight disadvantage compared to the flat 6 cylinders for torsional vibration. Is that relevant?
Thinking PRSU an SPG-5 looks like it would go better in a Subaru because of the only 101mm of axis distance of that transmission. What should be a good PRSU for Honda no too much more expansive than SPG?
I don't know nothing about successful long term Honda J35 auto conversion, if someone know this is the space for share, please.