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Annual Slobovia Outernational Pumpkin Drop

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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Nov 17, 2014
Pocahontas MS
With my apologies for the *very* late notice...

The Slobovia Outernational Airport Pumpkin Drop, usually scheduled for the 1st Saturday in November, has been moved up to tomorrow, October 28. If you're within driving or flying distance of MS71, just north of Jackson MS and looking for something to do tomorrow, come on down. Pulled pork at noon, and the pumpkin bombing competition begins at 1:30 PM. Air navigation via any of the typical services, and if you need driving directions, plug '176 US Highway 49 Jackson MS' into your favorite car gps. No charge for admission; just chip in whatever you can in the donation bucket to help cover the cost of the food.

If you can make it, track me down and introduce yourself. I'll be the old graybeard on the red UTV, parking airplanes.

oops; forgot the flier:


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