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Airmaster replica with D&E 66" wing kit

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Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2023
Someone suggested a separate thread for this from over in the "replicating classic designs" thread. This is an admittedly like twenty five percent baked idea at best.

My original-ish post:
Honestly I have had horrid thoughts about slapping a big D&E 66" Riblett wing kit on a kind of tongue in cheek Cessna Airmaster fuselage replica with a Rotec R3600 (or Verner 9S) hung off the front. The wing kit can be bought, therefore saving a lot of time. My sticking point visually is how to angle the trailing edge of the flaps in a way that the wing stays aerodynamically viable and doesnt scream "MUTTTTT!" with that big candy bar wing. Otherwise set it up as a big cub.

I think there would be a bit of PA-14/Wag Aero Sportsman in there, but mostly c145/165 fuselage. The idea is a mostly true to form fuselage with an easy to use/fly wing that can be bought as a kit.

The D&E wing kit with an added plate to the spar has been used on 2500 pound gross aircraft (citation needed but I am reasonably sure I found this over on the supercub site). The airmaster fuselage structure can certainly be modded to accomodate. Even though the rotec/verner is a bit lighter (40ish pounds, its a wash tbh) than the super scarab, I think the quoted empty weight of this build will be optimistic. It will likely top the scales closer to 1400 rather than 1300.

Most of this is daydreaming and looking at grainy old blueprints and thinking how sweet a radial sounds. Anyone wanna collaborate on that brainstorm?

Edit: yes, I would love an original airmaster. At some point I will get my A&P and do it. But I also want a cool little radial powered traveler. And I want to make the path something others can follow me on if they chose.