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360 Avionics Company from Canada

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Mar 22, 2023
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Hello everyone!

My name is Vlad and I am the owner and founder of 360 Avionics which you had some conversation about.

I was notified by forum member that there is a discussion of my products in this forums, and I decided to register to be able to provide answers to questions that may arise (if any).

I would like to provide a little background about myself and our business. Back in 2019 I started to build my first airplane (VANs RV10). While building my airplane, I realized that I want to have some modern avionics in my panel, but the price tag was quite high even for a simple setup of single EFIS. My professional background is embedded development (15+ years) and I used to do contract development of front-end multimedia systems for a well known European car maker, so I decided to build some avionics for my own airplane. During the amazing journey of airplane build and avionics development I had a few friends who installed my avionics on their airplanes, and currently flying with them. At some point I decided to establish a small business and start to sell my products to anyone who wants something different for their experimental airplanes.

By the way I have a youtube channel where I documented build of my RV10 and also some avionics videos: My channel

In 2022, I successfully completed and test flown my VANs RV10 with my EFISes and engine monitor system. There are lots of plans for future development such as: autopilot, audio panel, remote COMM and more. At this time, we already have a line of small and simple instruments (MiniUni) which comes in two form factors (2.25" and 3.125"). Also, we have more powerful Mini which comes in 3.125" formfactor only. This little unit is more capable than MiniUni models and can, not only show maps (3D view is coming), but also provide the transponder (for example Garmin 327) with altitude information (eliminating need of altitude encoder).

The bigger one (10.2") touch-screen is not yet available for sale but already installed in 3 different airplanes and currently making its hours of testing time. This unit will include many cool features.

Our business is based in Vancouver, Canada. We are a small family-based company who wants to allow home airplane builders to have another option for affordable avionics. All development and manufacturing process is done at our home base in Pitt Meadows, BC where I run a production line for electronics assembly.

I will be more than happy to answer any of your questions related to our products.
Also I am opened for any functionality development and modifications. I can add some specific functionality related to certain homebuilt airplane type if this is desired by the customers.

Someone above mentioned X Plane engine. Not sure what that is but in my case it was only temporary project name, nothing else.
AHRS engine and EFIS GUI are both written and developed form scratch.

EFIS 10.2 (ELM1000) is currently going through some 3D view (obstacles, terrain, runways, etc) development.


Here are some pictures of my installed products:


This one above have not yet flown, I just finished installation of avionics and we just run its engine for the first time :)

mini2 - 1.jpeg


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