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Yet Another Hurdle

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Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2016
Cartersville, GA, USA (KVPC)
Hey all.
Looking for honest advise on my project. This may not be exactly the right place, but it's a wood plane, and this seems a rather woody place.

I purchased my mostly complete 1700 Hi-Max a few years ago. I finally have it in a hangar where I can work on it and I have found that it has some issues.

When I got it into the hangar, I found that the plywood on the fuselage was delaminating (cockpit, root ribs, and longerons). I thought, "Darn... that sucks...". So I took all that bad plywood off, and I started sanding with my palm sander to remove the last layer of veneer/epoxy off the structure. As I was sanding, a glue joint on a diagonal brace popped lose. I thought, "Well, that's not cool," and continued sanding. Then another glue joint failed as I was sanding the cockpit structure. I also noticed that a few of the gussets in the aft fuselage looked a little off. I pushed on one, and it came apart under my thumb... so did a couple of others.

Honestly, if this were your project that you planned to fly, what would you do?
Don't worry about the monetary side. I ... got a deal ... I was also able to sell the engine for about 1/4 of the entire project purchase cost... and it's a Hi-Max, so we're not talking 50k here. Not even 2k.

Thank you all in advance for your sage advice.