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Welding, Water Jet Cutting, Fabrication and 3-D Printing Service

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Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2014
Hello homebuiltairplanes.com forum. I'm a skilled welder fabricator and aircraft enthusiast now with access to a variety of quality equipment including Welders-Aluminum MIG,TIG,and Gas, Plasma Cutter, a small CNC Water Jet, Hydraulic Tube Bender, Wood CNC Mill, Laser Cutter, and both SLS and FDM 3-D printers. I am currently learning CAD-CAM and would like to extend my ability to forum members here. If you think you may have need for any parts including cast metal parts let me know. I'm offering these services to add to my experience base, as a supplement to income and for enjoyment as well. From full composite airframe components to anodized titanium and aluminum parts to wood and carbon or glass filled nylons, ASA, and ABS additive manufactured functional components I can likely help you to get where you're going.