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Video series on TIG welding thin wall aircraft tubing

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Jan 3, 2014
I had a phone call from a forum member this morning about welding and trying to solve some welding issues for a beginner. For a number of years now I’ve thought about doing some simple videos. I haven’t because YouTube is full of welding videos so I figured what’s the point. He told me there’s a silent majority that don’t post much on the forum but still struggle and don’t know what to do. And not everyone wants to attend a welding clinic or is close enough to attend one.

The guy who called me explained that there’s no videos that go deep in to thin wall tubing like we do in airplane construction and none of them discuss the problems they have. Jody from Welding Tips and Tricks is a great resource but really doesn’t go in to depth. He kinda skims over it I’m told. I don’t know, I don’t watch videos like often.

I’m gonna do about 6 videos breaking down everything I learned in school decades ago. I was also extremely fortunate in my youth to be surrounded by old guys who chopped tops on Mercury’s, channeled, pinched and narrowed frames etc. I hung out with that group and they taught me most of what I know when they weren’t riding and teasing the schit out of me. :) A car fender is thin metal so most of my experience as a youth was thin wall metal.

I don’t know who it will help but my hope is it helps the guy who is nervous and is still practicing and just can’t get the hang of it. There’s very specific reasons for this and are easily addressed. That’s my viewer I think. Lots of people that get ahold of me seem to fit that description. They try but they feel lost. I want to help that particular person. That’s my target audience.
Later today I’ll do video 1. Nothing formal here just gonna clip my iPhone in a holder and shoot from the hip and I’ll be intentionally talking about topics you won’t see online or in videos you buy.

I’m gonna go kinda deep on the little topics nobody talks about but should be talked about. I’m also gonna talk about things that people always talk about but are irrelevant to a great weld on thin wall tubing. It’s very common to focus on the wrong things.

Hopefully this can be a fun thread and a fun video series that gets those new to welding to start and produce welds that work.

In the meantime if you are a frustrated newbie feel free to post issues you are having and I can address them in a video as I go.
