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Taylor monoplane

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New Member
Jan 14, 2023
First post here, might as well make it worth while

Picked up this taylor monoplane in the summer from an older gentlemen who could no longer maintain his license, completed in 2006, 230tt 1835vw

i picked this up mid way through my ppl, and am just finishing it up now, so i was in no rush to fly it (obviously), so while its down there were a number of items i wanted to address outside of normal annual items

the things ive done so far
- seat pan
- slightly larger aluminum fuel tank (.040 aluminum...fun welding :oops:)
- exhaust headers (still need a 45 to keep exhaust potentially out of the boundry layer)
- carb heat muff and cabin heat muff
- carb heat box
- cabin heat box (never had cabin heat)
- different radio holder
- new aluminum intake pipes
- dash
- cooling "eyebrows"
- stick mounted ptt button
- esp32/3.5 tft engine monitor....waiting on a new batch of MAX6675 chips
- seat back and bottom cushion + upholstery
- nicer fiberglass distributor bump

there are more items on the list to go, and not everything on the list is 100% complete

Original pictures first

taylor 2.jpgP2240020.JPGP2240014.JPG

some of my progress items

IMG_20231210_151343.jpgDash marked up.jpgIMG_20231006_190417.jpgIMG_20230930_205252.jpgGas tank marked up.jpgMarked up cowl.jpg


  • Eng bay marked up.jpg
    Eng bay marked up.jpg
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