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ST-L (Ryan ST replica) builder photos and milestones

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Jun 2, 2022
Montrose, Colorado, USA
Most of our builders are building their Ryan ST replicas in private, with no build logs of any sort showing up online.

However, they have been sending in photos for us to post. I'll be posting build photos here and differentiating by serial numbers. Please keep in mind some builders are moving at a leisurely pace while we have two that have already completed their wings and tail surfaces and have their fuselages up on the landing gear.

Customers are currently reporting extreme high quality of parts. Of course we've been making revisions to the manual, drawings, and inventory lists as required. One of the biggest changes since production began is the introduction of a 100% match-drilled fuselage! The quick build fuselages are still a great value, but we want all builders to be happy, no matter which route they pick. We've also redesigned the wheel fairings for a more authentic look. The prototype will eventually get these fairings but is still sporting the old style.

To start, some Leonardo Correa Luna photos of the prototype, along with some manual details. Then we'll get into the customer photos. Fun times ahead!

I'll be watching this thread to answer any questions people might have regarding the build process.

Nick Pfannenstiel
Timber Tiger Aircraft, Inc.
Montrose, Colorado