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SnS -:- 21 | Q&A

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Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2010
Bellingham, Wa
Hi All Again,

Three things I like about the Sorrell Guppy:

° Wood & Fabric construction, Free Plans!!!
° Makes a nice draggy single engine Mule.
° Aesthetically pleasing reverse staggar Bipe.

Some of the Modifications I am looking into are:

Constellation style tri-tail only central rudder moving.
Airfoil selection Munk-21 undercamber 12% section.
Interlocator strut Ailerons - plans call for full span lower flaps.
Clipped wing; removing one rib box (a side), reducing span by 3ft.
Other aero tuning such as smoothed canopy, turtleDeck
and Oversized spinner by personal preferance.

Vinyl Ester Resin will be used throughout and Ia m looking into CF strip compatibility. Engine may be Boxer - Twin or the industrial V, availability couldp lay a part, roundly ignore and use what all you like.

That's probably enough for a Thread start, my first
question is about aileron roll rate, with 35" length,
Flaps will make up 32% of the span @ 7/9ths span,
R (1).png
What I need to decide on is if I keep 4 & 1/2 inch flap chord or do I go to 6" on 37.5" airfoil (16%). Positive of small flap is that it will be light and affect airfoil character least, positive of half foot flap is deflection will be less to acheive the same roll weight. Sorrell had these in simple Nylon bushings, I'd likely use brass.

CK LouPai
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