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Ricks Kicks... aka Rhino musings...

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Well-Known Member
May 26, 2011
Brookside Utah
My latest musing involves a 12 sided circular wing, flat surfaces (including airfoil), tethered launch, and a near vertical landing. I have no clue whether any of this could work, but my inner child says; of course it will with the right wing loading. There's 133sf near as I can tell.
The tethered launch is running around in a circle on the end of a cable until flying speed is reached and then released at the peak of a pio. A tail hook may have to get involved to make the landing short enough for my back yard.
The final variation would involve stow-able wing panels and propeller cage for road use. There is an amphibious float option that's not shown.round6a.JPGround6e.JPGround7a.JPGround7c.JPGround7d.JPGrr2.JPGrr4.JPGrr5.JPG