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Re-examining Rotary Conversion

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Oct 24, 2019
Three Rivers, CA
Hello all. New member here. After some years off from building my One Design airframe (now ~80-90% complete) which I had intended to use a normal IO-360, I'm now ready to resume, which now means I need to re-evaluate the engine choice. I'm no stranger to auto engine conversions, having originally planned to build a SB Chevy powered Harmon Rocket prior to opting for the One Design. I've built engines and hotrodded all my life, so the auto conversions are of interest. Now I'm looking at using a Renesis in my One Design. I want to preserve the aerobatic capability of the airframe (+/-10g and inverted).

I have followed Tracy Crook and a few others back when they were more active, but have lost track of them and the overall landscape of part and systems available to use in the conversion, but I have a few ideas that I hope to start with, and hopefully get feedback from you guys that are knowledgeable in the current status of flying rotaries and available parts and systems.

I intend to start with a mostly stock 6 port Renesis. I intend to buy a JDM engine to get all peripheral systems and components for possible use or comparison. It will be freshened up with some exhaust porting.

It would use EFI and electronic ignition. I'm currently looking at redundant Megasquirts or a SDS unit, depending on price and capability. It appears the RWS EM controllers are not really a viable option now, with TC's retirement.

I would also need to mount the engine plugs up to allow building an oil sump system suitable to work with the normal lycoming inverted oil system. Another option could be going dry sump, although that is expensive and adds drive issues that I don't really like (belt drive etc.).

I've been looking at Neal Unger's redrive as a worthy successor to the RWS unit, although the 10g and aerobatic gyro loading would need examination.

I would appreciate any feedback on this application. From browsing this forum prior to joining, I see there are many active and knowledgeable members here to bounce ideas off of. Many thanks.