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Perspex window attachment

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Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2020
Just looking for some guidance from those more knowledgable than me please :)

Mitchell wing B10 as per the 1982 plans call for the perspex to be double sided taped and that's it.
Happy to do that BUT... keen to put a few screws in as well.

Haven't got to it yet but was thinking of something like a 4.5mm hole in the perspex with a say 3.5mm wood screw and washer.
The double sided tape should hold it firm but the extra bit of clearance should allow for some change in temperature.

First question - does the above sound reasonable?

Second question - suggested spacing between the screws?

So some further details... the LE of the perspex tucks under a thin ply gusset so the wind doesn't try rip it off all the time.
The TE sits proud on the rear spar so the air should flow over it and the rear of the wing and again not try rip anything apart.
It is 1mm perspex I'm using - plans were silent about this as it came in the kit I guess.

Pics stolen from Koen's site - Nest of Dragons...

My thanks


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