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Parking brake idea

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Super Moderator
Staff member
Apr 3, 2007
My plane currently doesn’t have a parking brake. It has the low pressure Scott diaphragm master cylinders that include the heel brake pedals, paired with the usual Cleveland brakes. Normally, the parking brake is a valve that blocks the lines to the calipers after applying the brakes with your feet, which would involve some replumbing and additional lines.

The Scott cylinders have a hole in the arms intended to link them to a second set of brake pedals (normally the master cylinders are installed for the back seat of a tandem ship, with a link going to additional pedals for the front seat). I don’t need front seat brakes, but I was thinking of adding cables from the arms connected to an over-center lever like this one (just an example, not necessarily the one I’d choose). I’d probably add a spring for some compliance in the system.
