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P85 - A New Aircraft

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Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2011
Overland Park, Kansas USA
This one is just weeks away from being on the gear - fuselage ready for the wing install - wing currently being primed while on sawhorses so it can be flipped over easily. The P85 is a derivation of the well tested Radial Rocket airframe, using a small block Chevy firewall forward package. Airframe changes are of course the more streamlined cowl, as well as a different rudder shape and swept wingtips. Focus with this plane is on relatively economical firewall forward cost in the 350-400 HP category. Engine of choice for this first ship is based on a 400 cid Dart SHP block, with a mild build (cowl is sized for a big block Chevy as well). A fixed pitch prop and simple re-drive contribute to the overall economy theme, although I am sure some may opt for a constant speed installation. My personal interest though is in simplicity and economy in this performance class. Even with the fixed pitch prop, the associated power/wing loading should provide great performance. Looking for a top speed of 270+mph with this ship, although the proof is always in the flying, so I am looking forward to seeing how this one peforms.P85 3 View  with logo jpeg.jpg