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Nylite wheels

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Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2020
Picked these up a little while ago but needing to now actually use them - and I guess needing some advice please.

No holes in the rims anywhere for the tube valve to pop out of.
Was going to blow up a tube, test drill a bit of scrap to figure out hole size, make it a thumb-suck bit bigger and try drill that size it in the wall of the rims.
Clean up with a dremel sander to nice and smooth.

Then split the rims and insert tube and tyre and bolt the rims together again, blow up the tyre and it should all work... I hope...
Real pain to split the rims as there are 7/16" bolt heads and they are so close to the wall.. but putting a long socket in the lathe more or less worked.

Is there any guidance on what hole size I would need or is just making it a bit bigger about as scientific as it gets?


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