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new brazilian VW 3.1L with new head castings??

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Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2010
Has anyone seen this?? Motorav Home

I just started googling for large cubic inch VW conversions to see how far people had taken them when I found a thread on a another forum talking about these guys back in 2011. at the time it appears they didn't have a website but they do now with some pretty interesting CAD drawings and pictures of there modified case and custom heads. 2.6 on up to 3.1L!

  • Engine Capacity: 2,600 cc
  • Crankshaft: Forged
  • Rods: H - Beam
  • Stroke: 94 mm
  • Bore: 94 mm
  • Cylinder Heads: Motorav 21 Finns
  • Horsepower: 95 @ 2,800 RPM

the heads have intakes on the bottom and exhaust on top. the heads are individual so they used the same casting for all four.... which IMO was a HUGE mistake. look at this pic and tell me that the right rear exhaust is going to get the same amount of cooling as the right front exhaust! plus you have to run a special cam.


this is the site I found it at, has some good pics of real metal, not just CAD.

Sonerai Community - New Brazilian VW Conversion

I think it has potential, but they need to make a matching head for the cylinders so that the exhaust ports get equal heat distribution