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Floats for Fly Baby

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Mike von S.

Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Jan 12, 2017
As a carryover from another thread, originally about a possible UL version of the Buhl Pup, I am exploring the idea of building a Fly Baby specifically for the purpose of mounting it on straight floats.

On Page 9-5 of his Fly Baby Builders Manual, PB writes: "The designer of FLY BABY intends to build and test a set of wooden floats especially designed for other homebuilders to build and install on FLY BABY or other representative homebuilts. However, this, like all other recreational projects, will take time. Plans and installation instructions will be made available at reasonable cost, but it is absolutely imposs.ible at this date (June, 1964) to say when."

Is it safe to assume this never happened?