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Experimental Soaring Association 2023 Western Workshop & Symposium

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Super Moderator
Staff member
Jul 29, 2005
Orange County, California
The 2023 Experimental Soaring Association Western Workshop and Symposium will be held this year at Mountain Valley Airport (L94) in Tehachapi, California, Saturday, September 2nd and Sunday, September 3rd.

AirNav: L94 - Mountain Valley Airport

Mountain Valley Airport · 16334 Harris Rd, Tehachapi, CA 93561

★★★★★ · Airport

The symposium lectures will be conducted in the Armstrong hangar. Cold water bottles and two large containers of ice water will be available during the lectures. Lectures generally start at 9am.

We will hold potluck barbeques on Saturday and Sunday evening, also at the Armstrong hangar. The BBQ's generally start about 5pm. There will be a gas BBQ grill available, on a shared basis, for cooking.

The current plan is to use the mornings for lectures and the afternoons for visiting and flying, followed by the pot-luck BBQ each evening. Lunch breaks have traditionally been a great time to meet fellow ESA and HBA members, have lunch, and talk airplanes.

Tentative lecture schedule is here, and updates will be posted below it: Experimental Soaring Association 2023 Western Workshop & Symposium