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Cracker Jack 2 LSA from Pete Plumb / Wood Wing Specialty

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Victor Bravo

Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Jul 30, 2014
KWHP, Los Angeles CA, USA
Pete Plumb, the designer and manufacturer of the Pegasus Power O-100 engine, is now supervising the construction of the prototype Cracker Jack 2 LSA aircraft.

Pete's original (early 1980's) Cracker Jack 1 was the reason that the O-100 engine program began. After testing several engines on the CJ1, Pete came to the realization that there was a need for a safe, simple, 4 stroke, dedicated aircraft engine that was somewhere between the half-VW, the full VW, and the Continental A-65. The O-100 was the ultimate result of this experimentation.

His many years of flight test and operational experience with the original Cracker Jack also provided him with a list of several small upgrades, improvements, and construction details for the airframe design. The result of this is the Cracker Jack 2, which will be slightly larger and more comfortable than the original CJ1, and be suitable for additional engine choices and power levels.

Like the original, the Cracker Jack 2 will be a single place parasol aircraft of classic design and appearance, executed in traditional wood construction. Despite those classic lines, the Cracker Jack 2 will be distinguishable from the other parasol designs, with an appearance and flight personality of its own.

Pete intends to offer high quality kits for this aircraft.